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Outline For Classes

Lesson One 

At the beginning of each lesson, we will spend twenty to thirty minutes discussing the basic fundamentals in painting. Covering colour palettes, supports, the use of various media, basic principles of value, chroma, and hue, the importance of good brushes and other supplies that will be necessary.

For those who are beginning, I will have chosen a simple landscape print to use for the first six classes. This will be our inspiration and guide. I will demonstrate some simple steps in transferring the subject on to our canvas using a grid technique. We will then outline and begin to do an under coat of paint.

If you are an intermediate student and you feel comfortable with the basics of painting, if you would prefer to choose your own subject, you are very welcome to do so. 

Lesson Two

You will further develop your now dry, "underpainted" sketch using a light wash of colour, blocking in areas of light and shadow, developing forms by adding colour. 

By using a limited palette, with six or seven colours we can create endless out shades. 

You will learn how to blend colours on your canvas to achieve a smooth grade color transition. 

Find out which brushstrokes to use for different effects. 

Use glazing to adjust and refine your work, and fixing mistakes. End class with the confidence to paint beautiful, balanced compositions and to bring all your work to life with color! 

Lesson Three

We will now need to take some time to concentrate a little more on colour. Since we are at the stage of applying a heavier or more concentrated form of colour to the canvas. We will discuss the shades, tones, hues, and experiment with the colors on your palette to arrive at a pleasant and exciting palette selection for your painting.

Lesson Four 

Discover the power of media. Oh... but Not Social Media! Understanding how and when to use them. See what effects they can have on the look of your painting.

Lesson Five

In this class, you will continue with the theory that has been already covered, bringing your work of art to life  in its  final stages. 

Lesson Six

We will be keeping it simple! You will now have an understanding of how to create an endless variety of shades, and how to adjust the colour tones of your work by using a very useful glazing effect. 

Now with the knowledge that you have acquired during our six weeks together, you can go on with confidence to make some beautiful paintings that you can enjoy and be proud to hang in your home. 

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